Many people know it:
the dog is stressed at home because of the loud rockets or firecrackers on New Year’s Eve. But that’s not the only thing that can stress our dog, as can, for example, the neighbor’s dog that’s in heat.
I would like to show you tips for you at home that you can use to calm your fur friend.
The following applies: every dog is different so see what your dog likes.
-> At the beginning, if your dog is skittish, then you have to take care of your dog twice for the walk! to backups. This means using a harness and a collar on your dog and attaching both to your leash. A leash should be tight around your waist and you can carry a leash normally in your hand. If you want to feel even safer, you can attach a GPS sensor to the harness in case the animal breaks away from everything. There is also the danger after 31.12 so stay safe for minimum 3rd of January.
But now to the situation at home.
First aid at home:
- The last large evening walkie should be over, 1 hour before the official allowance for fireworks starts
- Blinds and curtains closed
- Leave the radio/TV on at normal volume all evening
- Do not leave the dog basket by the window
- A cave / open dog box with a blanket over it or a dog igloo helps your dog retreat
- Let it be normal and calm at home, just like usual
- If your dog loves cuddling, cuddle together- a lot
Do you have intelligence toys at home (e.g. snuffle mat)? Great, let your dog have some real fun. That distracts him.
If you do have not some toys, then hide the treats in a protected room (blind down and music on at normal volume). Your dog can then search diligently – what a fun time together!
Other ideas:
– Shell game (with 3 bowls from your kitchen)
– 1 box with newspaper and of course treats hidden inside
Just on December 31st. After 11:50 p.m. you should be ready to give your dog something to distract him (nice to know: licking and chewing are very effective in reducing the dog’s stress level).
Here are a few suggestions, that are good for keeping your dog busy, for at least a minimum of 30 minutes:
- a filled frozen Kong (e.g. with yogurt/fruit/baby food…)
- large chew items such as my large horse scalp plate - Leak mats can also be easily filled and frozen
The important thing is: please don’t leave your dog alone! He is afraid and you are his security, don’t leave him alone in his fear and anxiety. The fireworks can also be viewed very well from the window.
You can go to your neighbors and kindly ask them not to use the fireworks or ask them not to use a certain area. This means your dog can experience less noise in one part of your house/ apartment.
(If male dogs are stressed by a female dog in heat, polite communication about arranging walk routes can also help. This way you can avoid smelling something).
Can anyone think of any other tips that are easy to use? Write it down below…
I wish you and your dog a relaxed New Year’s Eve and a happy new year 2024

With this tips, I wish you and your dog a relaxed New Year’s Eve and a happy new year 2024